Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Motivation vs. Inspiration

I was talking with one of our Orlando distributors today. Rick Humphreys reminded me that people either motivate themselves or not. We can only inspire one another. Fear is our major motivator. It will either motivate us to take action or not. Fear of failure keeps people from realizing their potential or it makes us successful. It is no different with Menage.

I am afraid of failure. Going to meetings, doing webinars, calling new suspects, showing the plan and showing my team I care are easy when I consider failure as the alternative. When I have trouble picking up the phone to call a new suspect I remember my fear of failure. I know I will fail 100% if I do not make the call. I know I will fail only 80% if I make the call since two out of ten suspects will become good prospects and ultimately a distributor. This failure rate would make us a millionaire in pro sports.

This failure rate will make us a million a year with Menage.

People need Menage now more than ever. It is amazing to be in a business that is growing while our economy is shrinking. All indications are we are at the right place, at the right time with the right products. The commitment and character of our owners, being debt free, first to MLM in an emerging market with the largest privately owned food broker in America just adds to our ultimate success potential.

I thank God for Menage everyday.

Happy Thanksgiving,

Chuck Dalton
Gold Distributor
Menage Innovations, Inc.

Motivate Your FUTURE with Gettingpaid2eat

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