Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Explosive Growth

We have had two weeks of the strongest attendance ever at our Germantown meetings. I know the Delta of Mississippi and Jackson are getting record attendance. Asheville is strong with expansion in a big way in Atlanta with their planned meeting the first of November.

Belief keeps me motivated. Menage exceeds the Harvard Business School's criteria for a "once in-a-lifetime opportunity".

I just wanted to remind every rep that a rising tide raises all ships. A high rep attendance at meetings creates excitment.

It is great to see reps at a meeting even when they don't have guests. This is what bonds us. We meet to complete the puzzle, putting pieces together one meeting at a time.

Remember the preacher who visited the man who stopped attending services. They sat next to the man's fire drinking tea staring at the flames. No words were spoken. The preacher took a bright and hot coal off the fire with a pair of tongs. The preacher sat the coal outside the fire by itself. The man and his preacher watched the coal get dark and cold. Then, the preacher looked at his watch and hurried to his feet to leave. Before the preacher left, he took the tongs, reached for the cold lump of coal, placed it back in the fire and the two men watched the coal become bright and hot once more. Before closing the door, the man thanked the preacher for the firey sermon.

I believe we are on the cusp of explosive growth. Keep up the momentum. Together, it's easier to stay bright and hot.

Keep growing your home business with

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