Monday, September 1, 2008

Taste n Tell This Tuesday

Hello Team. I want to take a moment to recognize folks that have made an outstanding effort to ensure the growth of our entire network.

Top Producers in PBV($)through product sales:
1. Mike and Gwen Green - Georgia
2. Mike and Angie Forester - WNC
3. Kim Roberts - WNC/FL
4. David and Jan Trout - WNC
5. Frank and Michele Jones - WNC

Top Recruiting Team Members: Frank and Michele Jones

Winners of the $100 Cash Prize for Referring the Most Prospective Distributors to our MWYE Team Webinars (Prospects had to register AND attend) - Huey and Kim Maltry

September Promotion:
Team Building - The Distributor who personally sponsors the MOST new team members into our MWYE Team will receive $100 Gas Card 2nd runner up will receive a $50 Gas Card and the Third runner up will receive a $25 Gas Card.

OPPORTUNITY MEETING: All MWYE Team Members are encouraged to attend with AT LEAST ONE prospect this TUESDAY NIGHT, 9/2 from 6:30-8:00 PM at THE CREST CENTER in Asheville NC for directions. Meeting will include Taste n Tell samplings of Menage Items. Let's try to have a record attendance for a regular Tuesday Meeting.

Thanks so much...let's close out the month of August and hit September running!

All my best,

Joe Lasher
MWYE Team Leader

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