Monday, September 29, 2008

Market Update

Hello Team Menage.
If you have been keeping up with the news lately you have certainly read or heard about the state of the economy. The housing markets, the banking systems, and fuel prices have been at the top of the headlines. In the aftermath, economists are predicting a downturn in retail sales during the last quarter compared to 2007 especially in terms of luxury purchases during the holiday season. In particular new car sales, jewelry, electronics, clothing and accessories are expected to drop in sales over previous years.
According to in the September 12 article, Bloomberg stated that “U.S. retailers dropped in August and prices at the wholesale level fell for the first time this year as Americans cut spending in the face of job losses and record foreclosures.”
In another article written by Shawn G. DuBravac, CFA, he sights that while sales are stalling, the fourth quarter will provide an upturn in retail purchases online over the previous three quarters. More specifically, e-commerce retail is significant in the fourth quarter accounting for 33% of yearly sales. Another plus for e-commerce retail purchasing is the number of individuals purchasing online. DuBravac notes that in 2003 40% of consumers were likely to purchase online. The number of consumers likely to purchase online rose to 56% in 2006.
Two important facts worth noting from of all of this information is that more and more people are staying home to purchase products online and that online food sales will see an increase in the fourth quarter. In the September 10 newsletter from Internet Retailer, the IR Top 500 retailers in the Guide’s food segment stated online food sales increased by 12% over 2007.
Most notable, online food sales increased in the high-density areas of population such as New York City. The article sighted the difficulty of traveling to the grocery stores, the hassle of hauling groceries home, and fuel prices. Specifically, niche online retailers such as Green Mountain Coffee and Omaha Steaks saw an increase in sales in recent years.
Many of the major networks have been predicting that during the current hard times of job losses and cut backs, that food sales will go up while other items will decrease. Dave Ramsey, author of “Financial Peace”, advocated to people during an interview on CNN that people stay home to eat to save money. He stated the value of eating together as a family and the fun social time that people can have over a great meal prepared at home verses paying the high costs of dining out.
What does all of this mean for your Menage Innovations business?
In athletic terms it means you should “Go For It!” Timing has never been better to build a home based business as more and more people are looking for additional income. The question is not will your friends get involved with network marketing, but rather which company will they join. Second, Menage offers the perfect product. While other items are seeing a drop in sales, food sales are going up. Third, online shopping has increased and is at an all time high.
Invite friends over for a Taste and Tell. Show them how they can save money by eating at home, share time with their children, family, and friends, and make an additional income stream by building a home based business through Menage.
Last week was one of best weeks ever in product sales. The bacon wrapped beef filet out sold every other product two to one. The choice ribeyes were second. Several other products were neck and neck: royal red shrimp, chicken breast filets, pork loin, salmon, mahi mahi, crab cakes, and our original Memphis style BBQ sauce.

Keep up the great work and we will see you at the top.

Eddie Lee Herndon
Co Owner
Menage Innovations

As always please visit us at to view the Menage Innovations Business Opportunity

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