Sunday, December 7, 2008

Lets Go Silver


Mark unveiled an exciting increase in promotions and payments available to all SILVER distributors. I want to list those out for you from current benefit, current promotion, and new promotion. Those of you that are Silver can look forward to all of this NOW. Those of you that are working toward Silver, this should motivate you to move hard and fast toward that goal.

Current Silver Benefit:
1: $50 Coded $ to UNLIMITED depths (50/10/5/2.5) **if that confuses you, please get with your SPONSOR today and ask for some basic training****

2: 4 Distributors in your Silver line (whether you put them in or not) qualifies you for one share of the companywide .50 cent product pool. **again, basic training is required immediately if that confuses you**

Current Silver Promotion:
SIX (6) new distributors in your Silver line in 1 month and the company retro's back and turns those $50's into $65's.

TEN (10) new distributors in your Silver line in 1 month and the company retro's back and turns the $50's/$65's into $100's. That's $1000 in the month and YOU PERSONALLY do not have to sponsor one person. Anyone in your Silver line that throws you $50 when they recruit a new team member can make that money for you.

I asked Mark Younger on the phone last night if this was a "Desperate Move" by the company to jump start Reps. He said, "Joe, this is a sign of company strength. We've grown almost 30% since we made the changes to start up costs. We're taking profits that we're making and throwing back to the field and we'll continue to do so until we all make it big.". I believe him.

I hope this email will be inspirational to those of us that have already achieved the Silver level. Let's get on the phone and contact our Bronze Distributors and ask "HOW CAN I HELP YOU"... For those of you that are Bronze and want to move to Silver starts with your three front line....USE YOUR UPLINE, INCLUDING ME, to get that team started. Then HELP those three find one each....BAM, you'll be Silver and will start to enjoy the coded money and the other promotions.

What's the key to all of this? Show the plan daily and remain confident that you are offering someone a true gift, the gift of opportunity. I believe in you all!

Thanks for all you do!

Joe Lasher
MWYE Menage Team Leader

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